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Epicor ERP's ESC Service


Have you ever heard of Epicor Service Connect (ESC) service?  I'm hoping I can use this service to connect Epicor ERP to my new website.  I haven't decide which ecommerce platform to use but I see you support Shopify, Bigcommerce, WooCommerce and Magento.  Epicor ERP can already be connected to Magento using their Epicor Commerce Connect (ECC) module but I don't want to use Magento.  Instead, I will probably go with something easier like WooCommerce, Shopify or Bigcommerce.

Here's some information about ESC if you haven't heard about it before:

Epicor Service Connect Epicor Service Connect (ESC) is a services orchestration toolkit designed and optimized for handling complex interactions between Epicor ERP 10 and other systems. ESC is architected around the notion of channels that accept and emit data using various means (e.g., email, message queues, file drop locations, or Web services). When a channel receives a message, Epicor Service Connect invokes a workflow designed by an administrator that can transform the data, call ERP 10 service operations, and optionally return data via another channel. Epicor Business Process Management (BPM) directives can also invoke ESC workflows.

Do you know if I can use ESC to integrate Epicor ERP with my website?


Thank you for your interest in Modern Retail.  We would love to help you get Epicor ERP integrated with your website.  Yes, we've been told Epicor Service Connect Epicor Service Connect (ESC) can be used to integrated Epicor ERP with your website.  As you pointed out Epicor already has an integration with Magento, which is Magento 1.  Therefore, Modern Retail could help you get Epicor ERP integrated with Magento 2, Shopify, Bigcommerce or WooCommerce.

May I make a suggestion?  Could you please e-mail your representative at Epicor and let them know you’re interested in getting Epicor EPR integrated with your website?  If you copy me on the message, I’ll immediately reply asking to set up a meeting with Epicor.  Getting our developers to talk with their developers, even for 30 minutes, to review ESC and BPM makes a huge difference and can really help to "jump start" the integration efforts.

The following article will give you a general idea how we’ll approach this integration with Epicor ERP:

You’ll find we’re experts at POS and ERP integrations, it’s something we been doing for over a decade and have amassed a great deal of knowledge and technology doing 1,300+ integrations.  Here are just some of the articles that I can share with you that make us different.

Please let me know if you need anything else or would like to jump on a call before getting with Epicor.  Thank you.