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New HipCommerce Features

Modern Retail has been busy working on a bunch of new features to our WordPress E-Commerce platform and thought we'd give a quick glimpse of some of the improvements.

Product Alerts

We're working on 5 new Product Alert types as shown below.

What's nice about these Product Alerts is you'll be able to configure the type of alert you want directly in Store Manager.  You'll also be able to specify the color of the Alert as well as the text color.

Alternate Images

We've always had the ability to show the Alternate Images on the Product Page but now we're making this feature available on the Shopping List Page.  With this improvement, consumers will be able to see the alternate views of your images by simply hovering over the product image on your shopping pages. 

Product Zoom

In addition to the large detailed shot of your products we have always provided, you can elect to give consumers the ability to zoom-in on an area of your products.  You will have control over how this zoom is shown on the Product Page, please read:

Related Products

Related Products allow you to show product color variations as thumbnail images directly on the Product Page. Clicking on a color variation will show that color, allowing the consumer to purchase that product.

Get ready for this new feature by following these instructions:

Shipping & Tax Calculator

One of the last features that needs to be brought over from our legacy platform, the Shopping Bag Shipping and Tax Calculator, is coming to WordPress E-Commerce. This feature allows consumers to calculate their shipping and tax directly in their Shopping Bag.

Modern Retail's goal is to have all of the above features completed by the end of Q1 or early Q2.  Please look for the announcement, and as always, keep your suggestions coming!

Add to Bag Product Zoom

We've enhanced the Product Zoom to include the ability for shoppers to purchase the product right there in the zoom window.  They will also be able to toggle between alternate images as always, but we believe having the ability to also purchase the product in this window will be immensely helpful.  This option is only available on the desktop, not on mobile devices where the screen size is smaller.

Faster Shopping Pages

Customers using the latest browsers will see a significant increase in speed when browsing the shopping pages on your website by utilizing improved browser and caching.

Style Improvements

We made dozens of small design improvements to enhance the look and feel of many of the elements on the website.  Here are just a couple examples.

Better Pagination

Improved Messaging

We've also improved the styling of the Shopping Bag and mini-cart, but don't tell anyone.