Help & Resource Center

Prices & Charges


During the initial setup of our Integrator, we'll ask you for a whole host of information about your Counterpoint installation. While we recommend that you get in touch with your Counterpoint reseller to assist in filling this information out, this article will have some tips about how to fill this out quickly, so we can get things rolling as soon as possible.

Prices, Charges, and Descriptions

In order to make sure all your data flows correctly between Counterpoint and the integrator we have to know which information from your Counterpoint installation the Integrator should use. This last form to fill out is where you can enter this information.


The first question is where you should select which item price should be sent to the web store. The second question is where you should select the item price used as your sale price; alternatively you can use the Counterpoint Planned Promo option.

Next, select which Miscellaneous Charge should be used for shipping, and then answer whether or not that charge is taxable. 

Finally, you can select if you want the Integrator to use the ecommerce HTML description. If not, the integrator will use the Item Log description.

Once you've selected an answer for each question, hit the Send button at the bottom of the form.

This information needs to be exact, so we highly recommend getting in touch with your Counterpoint reseller, IT professional, or Modern Retail project manager if you're uncertain.