I work for Ordorite, and I'm interested in learning more about your integration technology. We have clients who need integrations with Magento and WooCommerce, and I noticed these are two e-commerce platforms that you do now. I would also be interested in hearing about how we could work together and get this integration accomplished. Thank you.
Thank you for your interest in Modern Retail. We’d love to partner with Ordorite to help you and your customers bridge the gap between Ordorite and their e-commerce websites.
Modern Retail has been in business for 18 years and has been integrating with POS/ERP systems for over 10 years. We’ve done over 1,300 integrations with a variety of POS and ERP systems. Our approach is to partner with companies such as Ordorite, allowing you to focus on the POS system and Modern Retail to focus on the integration with e-commerce platforms such as Shopify, Bigcommerce, WooCommerce and Magento. We have 24 integrations now with a bunch of POS/ERP systems I’m sure you’ll recognize:
Our approach is unique in that we only have to do an integration ONCE with Ordorite. When the integration is done, Ordorite’s customers will immediately be able to integrate with Bigcommerce, Shopify, Magento and WooCommerce. Pretty amazing!
We have a variety of ways of getting Ordorite integrated with our technology, which you can read more about here:
You may also be interested in reading how our integration technology has evolved over the past 10 years (we have some very powerful features):
I would love to set up a call with you to discuss how we might approach this integration for Ordorite. Thank you.