We are looking for a company to provide a full integration between Magento and the UK based EPOS package called Cybertill Retail Store Two. We are looking for features such as live stock, order and customer sync. We would love to see additional features such as gift cards linked if possible. We use an external magento module with API capabilities to offer gift cards but the Cybertill API may be restrictive in this instance. We can provide full API documentation for Cybertill.
Thank you for your interest in Modern Retail. We would love to work with you and Cybertill on this integration!
Yes, sending Cybertill’s API documentation would certainly help. However, we would also like to schedule a meeting with Cybertill to review the API documentation and ask questions. Getting our developers to talk with their developers, even for 30 minutes, makes a huge difference and can really help to “jump start” the integration efforts. It will also allow me to give you a fixed-fee proposal for this project.
You’ll find we’re experts at POS and ERP integrations, it’s something we been doing for over a decade and have amassed a great deal of knowledge and technology doing 1,300+ integrations. Here are just some of the articles that I can share with you that make us different.
- Building a Better Mousetrap
- Avoid Overselling (Allocation) - Absolutely a brilliant feature!
- Accounting for Amazon & eBay Orders
- Difference Engine
- Magento Integration Speed
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Please let me know if you need anything else or would like to jump on a call before getting with Cybertill. Thank you.