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NCR Retail Online (NRO) Alternatives


I use CounterPoint as my point of sale system, and while I love it, I don't want to use NCR Retail Online (NRO).  NRO is based on Magento, which I've used in the past.  Magento is a nice e-commerce platform, but I'm just getting started out and want something that's easier to use.  Can you help me get CounterPoint integrated with other e-commerce systems?



Yeah we hear that a lot from CounterPoint customers; they want alternatives to NCR Retail Online.  I also hear what you're saying about Magento.  We've been developing websites for clients in Magento for years but realize it may not be the best solution for all retailers.  In fact, we generally will not use Magento if the store isn't already doing about 1/2 million per year online and has at least 1 full time person dedicated to their website.  You might find the following articles interesting:

Here's one last comment about Magento and CounterPoint before I move on.  You can always start off with another e-commerce solution and move to Magento when it makes sense for your business.  What's nice is that Modern Retail can help you convert your data from your old e-commerce system to Magento.  We also give you the choice of using Modern Retail to build the new Magento website for you or any website agency of your choosing.

Okay, now to finally answer your question.  Yes, you can use the following e-commerce platforms with CounterPoint today:

Again, Modern Retail can build you a website on any of these platforms or you can use your own website agency, either is completely fine with us.  If you would like Modern Retail to build the website for you, please check out what we have to offer on our website:

If instead you are going to do it yourself or work with some other agency, then all you will need to purchase is our CounterPoint Integrator:

The CounterPoint Integrator works with Bigcommerce, Shopify, Magento and WooCommerce.  Simply select which platform is right for you and purchase it, it's that easy!

If you need additional information on how our CounterPoint Integrator works, then please read:

Thank you and please let us know if you have any more questions about our CounterPoint integrations.