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Retail Solutions WooCommerce Integration


I am looking to fulfill a proposal for a client that uses the POS software called Retail Solutions, but would need to know if I can get it all communicating together with WooCommerce.  Can you let me know if this is something that this plugin can support?


Thank you for your interest in Modern Retail. We would love to help you get Retail Solutions integrated with WooCommerce.  The following article describes your options around this integration:

I took a look at the Retail Solutions website but couldn’t find any information on an API or import/export capabilities.  My guess is they may not have an API so we’ll need to go with the Modern Retail's Inventory CSV / XML Uploader option that’s described above, which you can also read about here:

Please read over this options and let me know if you think they will work for Retail Solutions.  We’re happy to get on a call with you and Retail Solutions to see which option would work the best for them.  Thank you.