This is an outdated article. You can now buy our ERPLY integration online:
Would it be possible for you to make the integration for ERPLY and WooCommerce? Could you also explain your setup and monthly fees to me? Thank you.
We took a look at the ERPLY website and they seem to have a nice application programming interface (API). Modern Retail could use their API to talk to our API, which allow ERPLY to be connected to WooCommerce.
You can read more about our API here:
We found a couple of websites describing ERPLY's API:
ERPLY seems to do a nice job of explaining the integration and providing the necessary calls to get it integrated with WooCommerce.
The setup charge is of course the cost to perform this integration for you. The monthly fee covers all support, maintenance and upgrades. For example in late 2014 we rolled out a new "dashboard" to our WooCommerce Integrator which all existing customers received at no extra charge (people love it – funny how people like seeing “blinking lights”).
Please let me know if you need anything else. I would be happy to jump on a call with you if you’d to discuss the integration. Thank you.