I used a point of sale system called Quetzal. Can you get Quetzal integrated with my website? I haven't decided if I'm going to build my website in Shopify, WooCommerce, Bigcommerce or Magento but that doesn't appear to be a problem because it looks like you support all these ecommerce platforms. Is that correct?
I'm hoping you can help me. Thank you.
We would love to help you get Quetzal integrated with your website and you're right we support all those platforms: Shopify, Bigcommerce, WooCommerce and Magento.
I took a look at the Quetzal website and their Support Center but I couldn't find any information on how Quetzal can be integrated with your website or third parties such as Modern Retail. However, Quetzal runs on an iPad so they most likely have what's called an application programming interface (API). If they do have an API, then it wouldn't be too much work to get their API talking with our API.
Modern Retail's Integration API
Please contact your representative at Quetzal and let them know you're interested in working with Modern Retail to get their POS system integrated with your website. We'd be happy to talk the Quetzal engineers to understand the best way of getting integrated with their system. Thank you.