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Bing Product Ads

Modern Retail is anxiously awaiting the arrival of Bing Product Ads.  Like most paid advertising you should use "long tail keywords" to hone-in on your products and maximize your return on investment.  This is a tactic we currently use with Google Products Ads and AdWords and find it to be extremely effective.

While Bing Product Ads is still in beta, Microsoft has already released the specifications and instructions on how to implement Products Ads, which you can read about here:

Implementing Bing Product Ads seems straightforward, Microsoft even allows you to use the current product feed format we're already using with Google Products Ads.  Microsoft also has their own file-format, which we'll need to look at more closely and implement if it has some compelling advantages.

Below is Microsoft's official announcement regarding Bing Product Ads.  We've also attached some additional technical information on how to implement Product Ads for prosperity.

Microsoft Announcement

Get more clicks and customers with Product Ads

Make your search ads more appealing and relevant to your customers with Product Ads, a new ad format that can boost clicks and sales by letting you include an image of your product, its price, your business or store name, and other details — right in your search ads.

How does Product Ads work?

Product ads pull product data from your Bing Merchant Center account so you can display product images and details in your ads. See the example product ad below.

How much do product ads cost?

Similar to other search ads, you pay for clicks your product ad receives. You’ll set a budget at the campaign level, but instead of bidding on keywords, you’ll define and bid on Product Targets that match your product ads with relevant search queries.

How do I start using Product Ads?

First, you'll need to set up a Bing Merchant Center account in Bing Ads. Follow these steps to link your Bing Ads account to a new or existing Bing Merchant Center account:

  1. Sign in to Bing Ads and click Tools in the upper right corner.
  2. Select Bing Merchant Center under Management Tools.
  3. If you already have a Bing Merchant Center account, you’ll see your Store Summary tab. If you’re creating an account, you’ll need to set up a store and product feeds. Your feeds will be reviewed before they go live in mid-August. Be sure to check them again at that time.
  4. Click Create a store and fill in your information. Your store name will be displayed in your product ads, so be sure it reflects your business name; it cannot be changed later.
  5. Check the Allow catalogs in Product Ads box on your Store Settings tab. If you don’t, your Product Ads will not display.
  6. To create a product feed, go to the Catalog Management tab and click Create new catalog.
  7. Once you’ve done this, you can create product ads campaigns in Bing Ads:
  • Sign in to Bing Ads, click Create Campaign, and then select Product ad campaign from the drop-down menu.
  • Follow the steps to either select or create a Product Extension and Product Target, then create your ad copy.
  • Once you’ve set up a campaign and ad groups, you can set up more product targets and product ads.

Technical Documentation

Attached is a copy of Bing's Merchant Center Integration Guide.  This guide is pretty technical but includes pretty much everything you need to implement Bing Product Ads.