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Shopping Cart Abandonment


We would like to capture abandoned shopping carts. Maybe you can recommend someone?


We want to build some shopping cart abandonment tools into Store Manager but unfortunately we're not there yet - it is on the list. The company we've used before is:

Unfortunately, I don't have any information on what Sale Cycle cost or the effectiveness of their program. If you contact them and would like to try their services please let us know and we'll get the tracking code set up for you in Checkout.


Date Created:  07/18/12


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    Attached is a copy of the SaleCycle Implementation Guide.

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    We would like to setup a email that can be sent out to customers reminding them of items that they have sitting in their shopping carts similar to the example i provided. we could defiantly design the layout, and whatever else you would need to make this happen. Please look into this and let us know what options we have.




    Right now the best option is to use a 3rd party solution like  These 3rd party solution can automatically send email like these whenever someone abandons their shopping cart.  We have used SaleCycle before but are open to other solutions as well.  Please take a look at SaleCycle and others out there to see if it will work for you.  Thank you.


    Date Created: 03/15/13