Every now and again you may be put in a position where you have to place an order for a customer. This can be helpful especially for B2B businesses who may have a closer relationship with their clients, or for when a customer places their order over the phone. In this article we'll talk about the two main ways you can place an order for a client on a BigCommerce site.
Ordering for the Customer
If you have customers that prefer to place orders over the phone, you may want to order for them on your site. Luckily, this is very easy in BigCommerce! Let's walk through the process. You can start by logging in to your BigCommerce store, and heading to the Orders menu on the left.
Under orders, click on Add to pull up the menu to add a new order. You should have a screen that looks something like this:
If the customer you're adding already exists (ie has an account on your store, or has placed an order before), you can look them up in the search box to skip this step. If they're a new customer, you'll want to click on New Customer in the Customer Information section.
This will bring up the menu pictured above, where you can set up an account for the new client. Once you've filled out that information, you can move onto Billing Information.
Fill the information out, and then hit Next in the bottom right corner.
On this next screen you can add products to the order.
From here, you can either use the search box to pull up products or click on the Browse Categories button to sort through characters manually.
Once you've added all the relevant products to the order, hit the Next button in the bottom right corner.
The next screen lets you set the fulfillment address, and to handle shipping options.
Once the information is correct, hit the Next button again. Now you're on the final screen!
Check over the details to make sure they're correct. Once you're done, click on the drop down under Finalize in the top right. You'll have a few options to pick from; the two that will always show up, regardless of how you have your store set up, are Manual Payment and Create Draft Order. Manual payment won't charge anyone; it's intended to be used when the customer has already paid via cash, check, or other means.
The other option will create a hyperlink with all the order information pre-filled out that you can send to your client.
Now you're done! You've created a manual order to send to your client. If you have any further questions, please feel free to submit a support request from the Admin Panel.