Help & Resource Center

Creating a Custom App


Part of the onboarding process for our Shopify integrations is creating a custom app in Shopify. This is a simple process, and this article will act as a step by step guide to help you along the way.

Creating the App

In order to create the custom app, you'll have to log in to your Shopify store. From there, you'll want to click on the Apps menu on the left hand side of the screen. shopify_private_app_article.png


This will open up a new menu that looks roughly like the image below. (It may look slightly different if you already have apps installed). 


From here, you want to click on Develop Apps in the upper right. Don't worry; you won't be developing the app yourself! This is just part of the process for adding a custom app. Clicking on the Develop Apps button will open a window that should look like the following image:,


From here, click on the Create an App button, and we can start configuring our new app!

Configuring the Custom App

After clicking on the Create an App button pictured below, you'll open up a new window that will let you name your app. We recommend that you name it "Modern Retail POS App", so it's clearly identified. This is especially useful if you have a long list of Shopify apps enabled. Don't worry about the account listed as app developer; whoever it lists by default should be fine.


Once you've named the new app, click on the Create App button. Now you can start configuring the app settings. You should be presented with a screen that looks something like this:


Click on the Configure Admin API Scopes button highlighted above. This will bring you to a new page, with a long list of checkboxes and a search box. 


Now, you'll want to check off everything on the following list. You can either scroll through the list, or use the search box in the middle of the screen. 

  • write_assigned_fulfillment_orders
  • read_assigned_fulfillment_orders
  • write_customers
  • read_customers
  • write_discounts
  • read_discounts
  • write_draft_orders
  • read_draft_orders
  • write_fulfillments
  • read_fulfillments
  • read_gdpr_data_request
  • read_gift_cards
  • write_inventory
  • read_inventory
  • read_locations
  • write_merchant_managed_fulfillment_orders
  • read_merchant_managed_fulfillment_orders
  • write_order_edits
  • read_order_edits
  • write_orders
  • read_orders
  • write_payment_terms
  • read_payment_terms
  • write_price_rules
  • read_price_rules
  • write_product_listings
  • read_product_listings
  • write_products
  • read_products
  • write_returns
  • read_returns
  • write_script_tags
  • read_script_tags
  • write_shipping
  • read_shipping
  • write_locales
  • read_locales
  • write_third_party_fulfillment_orders
  • read_third_party_fulfillment_orders

Once you're done, please do a double check to make sure everything listed is checked. Once you've done a once over, you can hit the Save button located towards the bottom of the screen. We're almost done! All that's left is handling the API credentials. Back towards the top of the screen you're on, look for where it says API Credentials, highlighted below:


This will take you to a new page displaying your API keys. Also note where it says Install App in the upper right hand corner; click on that to install your app before proceeding. 


From here, you'll need the Access Token (also known as the API Password in your Modern Retail Onboarding tasks). We recommend taking a screenshot of this screen for future reference. Please also note that this information is all highly important, and should be kept secure before and after the onboarding process. 

On your Modern Retail Onboarding page, enter the following information to the corresponding Onboarding task:

  • API Token
  • API Key
  • API Secret Key

And now you're done! Please reach out to your Modern Retail Project Manager to ask any questions you may have about this task.