The Modern Retail WooCommerce integrator is a powerful & versatile tool for your ecommerce needs! In this article, we'll explore each individual page of the integrator, so you can have a solid understanding of how everything works.
The WooCommerce Integrator
After setup, you can view the WooCommerce integrator from the backend of your website. It's generally located towards the bottom of the left-hand menu.
Above you can see the WooCommerce Integrator dashboard, which you can get to by just clicking on the Modern Retail Integrator option in the left hand menu. This page lets you see how the integrator is running, complete with the number of jobs it's performing, the overall integrator status, and a timeline showing the rate at which the integrator has been handling products.
The first menu item under Modern Retail Integrator is Settings. This menu contains all the settings available for the WooCommerce integrator. We recommend not altering any of these settings unless there's an issue, and in that case we recommend getting in touch with Modern Retail for assistance, in order to prevent potential issues with your integration.
The first settings tab is General. This page is where you can set the URL you want to call when imports are completed, as well as prefixes for file dumps, the file extension for your product dump files, and more. There's also the option to set which attributes are used to create variations; if using multiple, separate them by commas.
The next settings tab is Mapping. This page is where you can control which variables from your POS or ERP system are mapped to which attributes in WooCommerce. This will be done during the setup period for your integration, and will likely not need to be changed.
Next up is Categories. The categories tab is where you can tweak the settings for how the integrator handles product categories. Like the Mapping tab we just looked at, as well as most of the options under Settings, the Categories tab will be configured during your initial integration setup, and likely will not need to be altered.
The Brands tab is where you can edit the settings for how the integration handles brands. This will be configured during your integration setup, and will likely not need to be altered.
The Corrector settings tab is where you can change certain settings regarding the correction of product variations. We do not recommend altering the settings on this page without contacting Modern Retail.
Simple Product
The Simple Product settings tab lets you pick which nodes for your simple product you want mapped between WooCommerce and your POS or ERP system. Similar to the Mapping tab earlier, this helps control how variables are translated between WooCommerce and your POS/ERP system.
The Update tab lets you add nodes to update fields in WooCommerce. You can enter new nodes by typing them into the textbox and then hitting the Save Changes button. From there, you can control what these nodes are correlated with.
The API tab is where you can generate & save the API key for WooCommerce. This is generally handled during development, and likely will not need to be touched once your project has been completed. Please be sure not to hit the Generate & Save API Key without contacting Modern Retail first, as this can cause complications for your integration.
Middleware API
The Middleware API tab is like the inverse of the API tab we just looked at. This is where we'll enter the API keys generated in the Modern Retail Admin Panel, so your website and the Admin Panel know how to trust each other. The checkboxes indicate different features; please be sure not to uncheck any feature you wish to keep on your site. If you haven't purchased a feature from Modern Retail, checking or unchecking a box won't do anything.
The Login and Password boxes should be filled with the relevant keys from the Admin Panel. Please be sure not to delete or otherwise alter these, as it can cause significant complications for your integration. Additionally, these keys should be treated like passwords, and not shown to anyone.
Order Status API
The Order Status API page lets you control at what stages of the ordering process a given order is updated, and when the order invoice is updated/sent. Below are our recommended settings, however you can customize these to your liking if needed. Similar to the other tabs, please be sure to leave the Enable Middleware Order API box checked.
In-Store Pickup
The In-Store Pickup tab is where the you can enable or disable the In-Store Pickup feature, and look at the code for the In-Store Pickup widget.
Gift Card
Similar to the above, the Gift Card tab allows you to enable or disable the gift card feature, as well as control the widget.
The Support option under the Modern Retail Integrator menu features some useful links if you require or assistance. The first will show you to our Help & Resource Center (which is where you are now!), while the second will link you to a spot where you can submit a support request to us. Below these you can see the version number for your WooCommerce integrator, so you can check if you're up to date.
View Log
The View Log menu item lets you check the integrator's log. This keeps track of basically all the actions the integrator performs, along with what time they were performed. You can also use the filters at the top of the table to sort through these, if you're looking for something specific.
View Job
The View Job page displays all the jobs the integrator is performing. Similar to the View Log page, you can see what time each job was performed.
The Scripts menu item is where you can reset the integrator plugin, as well as resync all your variable products. If you're seeing issues with the integrator or your variable products, we may recommend trying these (after submitting a support request to us, of course). You can also use some of our automatic scripts to fix products the integrator is detecting issues with, or to fix SKU values we've detected a problem for. These features may be variable depending on which version of WooCommerce you're using.
You can also use the Search by SKU tab to search for products by their individual SKU.
Lastly, you can check the Requirements option in the menu to see if your WordPress & Server settings are meeting the requirements for the integrator to run. If an item is below what we recommend, there may be a suggestion attached to that item in the list; if you're not sure what to do to fix something, or if you're concerned that you're not meeting the requirements, please feel free to submit a support request so we can assist.
If you have any additional questions, please feel free to get in touch with us with a support request.