Modern Retail offers a variety of ways to customize the gift cards you can sell for your clients. This article will go over how you can access these options, so you can make your gift cards truly represent your business.
Online gift cards are sent to your customers via email, so your main methods of customization surround those emails. In the Settings section of the Modern Retail Admin Panel, you can alter these emails from the Email Configuration and Email Templates pages.
The Email Configuration menu is where you (or Modern Retail) sets up the API keys for whichever email sending service you use. It's also where you can set the logo you want used for your emails; we recommend using a clean version of your company's logo.
To select the logo you'd like to use, hit the Choose File button, select the image you'd like, and then hit Save.
The Email Templates page is where you can customize all the emails that automatically get sent from your store. These often have purposes besides gift card emails, but we'll focus on gift card templates for now.
Depending on which features your store uses, you may have several email templates, or only a couple. The gift card templates by default are Template for Gift Card and Gift Card Pin Email (if you're using PINs).
Click on the Name of an email template to edit it. This will open a window for that template. You can edit the name (only visible in the back end), the subject (the email subject when sent to customers), and the body (the contents of the actual message).
You can use variables for all your email templates; you can find a list of the variables we support here. As you can see above, you can change font size/type, use bolds or italics, and everything you expect from a typical content editor. You can upload images, align text, and more from the ... button on the right side of the text editor.
If you want additional assistance with setting up your gift cards, please feel free to get in touch with us with a support request.