In order to begin work on your RetailEdge integration, we'll need to know the answer to a handful of questions regarding how you use RetailEdge. This article will go over what these questions are, and why we need them answered.
What Do We Need?
The first thing we need to know is how your price fields are set up. In order to map all your information correctly, we need to know which price field you use for "full price", and which is used for your "sale prices". Typically these are "Price 1" and "Price 2" each, but they may vary depending on how you have RetailEdge set up.
The remaining questions all concern how you handle taxes. The second question we need an answer for is whether you round sales tax up or down; we also need to know if your Coupon SKU is set to taxable or not, and if shipping is taxable.
If you're not sure how to answer the above questions, RetailEdge support may be able to assist you. If you have any further inquiries, please feel free to get in touch with your Modern Retail Project Manager.