Help & Resource Center

Creating a User


The first step of the Lightspeed half of your Integration Project is setting things up so that Modern Retail can access your Lightspeed system. This will require that you create a user for Modern Retail. This article will briefly talk about the best way to go about this.

Creating a User

You'll create the Modern Retail user the same way you create any other user in Lightspeed. Your Modern Retail project manager will give you the email alias you should use to create the user (if they haven't gotten in touch about this yet, feel free to contact them). 

This user cannot be disabled in the future. If this user is disabled later, it will break or otherwise severely impact your integration. Please note that you cannot disable this user; and make sure whoever manages your Lightspeed system is aware of this as well.

After the user has been created, we'll need you to enter some information about your Lightspeed system to finalize our access. If you have any further questions, please feel free to get in touch with your Project Manager using the messaging feature in the Onboarding Center.