Help & Resource Center

Creating IFS Users


The last step to granting Modern Retail access to your IFS servers is to create a pair of user credentials for our development team. This article will briefly cover what this entails, and how it affects the rest of your project.

Creating User Credentials

Even after you've whitelisted our IP addresses and given us your server names, you'll still have to set up a pair of user credentials. We'll need two users created, one for each of the main developers working on your project. Each user will need a username and a password. We recommend picking usernames that clearly note that the users are Modern Retail employees, and passwords that meet your highest standard for security.

You can enter these usernames and passwords in the relevant task on your onboarding page, where they'll be stored securely for our use. If you have any additional questions about this step, please feel free to get in touch with your Modern Retail project manager.