Help & Resource Center

Viewing Support Tickets


The support section in the Admin Panel has three options. The second of these is Tickets, and it allows you to review any support requests you've made to Modern Retail.



Clicking on the Tickets page will display a list of open support tickets. By default, only your open tickets will be displayed, so you won't see all your past tickets.


The tickets page offers a variety of ways to search through past support requests so you can find whatever you're looking for. To see all support requests, including those that have been solved or closed, check the Solved and Closed boxes on the upper left. Solved tickets are tickets that have been solved relatively recently, and can still be reopened and responded to. Closed tickets are from further in the past, and cannot be reopened (You can, of course, still browse through them or reopen a brand new ticket.)

You can also search through requests by subject with the Search By Subject field, or refine your search by only seeing requests from a certain time period using the Date From and Date To fields.

Click on the Subject of any request to view more information about that individual ticket. 

If you have any additional questions, feel free to open a support request.