Help & Resource Center

2.5.58 - Tax Code Category

January 22, 2020

Here's a complete log of the items added and changed in the CounterPoint Integrator with this release:

  • Added
    • None
  • Changed
    • APIGetNewTransactions - Now populate item tax category code in PS_DOC_LINS.
    • APIGetNewQuotes - Now populate item tax category code in PS_DOC_LINS.
    • APIGetNewOrders - Now populate item tax category code in PS_DOC_LINS.
    • modCFG - Improved GFC logging now includes PIN value.
    • modCFG - Check to make sure the value of the GFC first word is numberic.

Please let us know if you have any questions about this release by submitting a support request in the Admin Panel.  Thank you.