December 6, 2018
Here's a complete log of the items added and changed in the CounterPoint Integrator with this release:
- Added
- None
- Changed
- GetNewOrders - Enhanced GiftCard exception handling added.
- GetNewTransaction - Enhanced GiftCard exception handling added.
- UpdateProductsGrid - Now sending lst_avg_cost and item vend_item_no as MAN ITM NUM.
- UpdateProducts - Now sending lst_avg_cost and item vend_item_no as MAN ITM NUM.
- POSOpenOrders - Added debugging.
- APISendConfirmOrder - Added API communication error handling.
- APISendConfirmTrans - Added API communication error handling.
- GetNew Transactions - Paycode translation logging and error handling added.
Please let us know if you have any questions about this release by submitting a support request in the Admin Panel. Thank you.