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2.5.7 - B2B Functions & Transaction Rollbacks

July 29, 2018

Here's a complete log of the items added and changed in the CounterPoint Integrator with this release:

  • Added
    • B2B Functions - Added structure to support new B2B functionality.
    • B2B Ticket History - Added support for B2B Ticket History
    • B2B AR Open Items - Added support for B2B AR Open Items
  • Changed
    • modNewTransactions - Execution of USP_PS_TE_COMMIT_DOC and transaction roll back now based on the middle-ware order confirm status.
    • modNewOrders - Execution of USP_PS_TE_COMMIT_DOC and transaction roll back now based on the middle-ware order confirm status.

Please let us know if you have any questions about this release by submitting a support request in the Admin Panel.  Thank you.