In order to install the widget you just need to copy the snippet from and paste it to your page.
<div data-storepickup-sku='{{SKU}}' data-mr-hash='{{HASH}}'></div>
(function(w, d, s) {
window.MR_storepickup_config ={"show_info":true,"show_favorite":true,"sort":"name"};
var f = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],
j = d.createElement(s);
j.async = true;
j.src ='';
f.parentNode.insertBefore(j, f);
})(window, document, 'script');
The widget has HTML-attributes configuration and JSON-configuration. HTML-attributes need to provide static information. JSON-configuration can be changed any time when the widget is already in place.
- data-storepickup-sku="{{SKU}}" - Provides sku to show information on this product.
- data-mr-hash="{{HASH}}" - Unique hash. (already defined in snippet on
Public methods
Init Store Pickup widget. Usually you dont need to call this method. You might use it if your page is generated via AJAX.
MR_StorePickup.load('SOME OTHER SKU');
MR_StorePickup.load method allows you to rebuild the widget dynamically for another SKU.
MR_StorePickup.config method allows you to change configuration supplied with the widget code.
Any events generated from In-Store Pickup widget have MR_storepickup prefix.
window.addEventListener("MR_storepickup_onLocationSelect", function(e){ console.log('Location details',e.detail.location); });
This event is triggered when a customer selects location in the widget. You can get any information about the selected location: qty, address, name etc.