Help & Resource Center

WooCommerce Orders FAQ


This help page will give you an overview of the information included in every WooCommerce order.

Orders Dashboard

All orders placed will show in WooCommerce, including declined orders!  You'll find a listing of all orders in the orders dashboard. 

The dashboard gives you a quick overview of the order, including:

  • The Order's Status.
  • The Shopper's Name
  • The Shopper's Email Address
  • How many items are in their order.

If the shopper's name is not in blue or showing as a link, this indicates they checked out as a guest versus creating an account.


Also included in the Dashboard view is:

  • The Shopper's shipping address.
  • Customer Messages
  • Order Notes
  • The order date.

The last information included in the dashboard are:

  • The order total.
  • Quick Actions.

Order Status

The order status lets you know how far along the order is in the fulfillment process, starting with a pending status and finishing with a complete status.  Order statuses are:

  • Pending Payment - The order was received and is unpaid.  This would apply to credit card orders if you are authorizing at checkout and capturing during fulfillment.  This is generally the default status.
  • Failed - Payment failed at checkout or the payment type was declined.  You will see authorization information and decline reason codes in the order's notes.
  • Processing - Payment was captured or received and the stock for the items ordered was reduced.  The order is awaiting shipment.
  • Completed - The order has been fulfilled and is complete - payment was received and the order was shipped.
  • On Hold - Awaiting Payment - stock has been reduced but you need to confirm payment.
  • Cancelled - Orders can be cancelled by an admin or by the shopper.  No further action is required.
  • Refunded - The order was either returned or refunded; no further action is required.

Order statuses can be seen on the dashboard, in the first column.  Mousing over the status icon will tell you the actual status.  They can also be set within the order using the order status drop down.