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Counterpoint Stores & Shipping


I looked through the documentation, and I have a couple of questions for you.

  1. We have 4 locations and would like the combined inventory of all locations to be represented as a total in Magento.  Can this be done?
  2. We would also like the orders imported prior to shipping. Can you import our orders from Magento to Counterpoint so they can be fulfilled and shipped directly within Counterpoint? It works best for us as we have been doing this for years.  



Yes, we can definitely pull inventory from all your locations and combine it before it is sent to Magento.

Regarding your second question about order fulfillment, the current version of our Counterpoint Integrator has you do the shipping within Magento or a 3rd party service like ShipStation, ShipWorks, OrderCup, etc.

We are working on a version of our Counterpoint Integrator that allows you to ship your online orders directly within Counterpoint, like:

We’re planning on releasing this version in Q1 of this year.

While I understand you’re used to doing your shipping in Counterpoint, are you sure that’s how you want to do it in the future?  Many retailers tell me they love using a 3rd party tool like ShipStation ( and would never go back to shipping their goods out of either Counterpoint or Magento.  Multi-channel retailers who are using Amazon, eBay, etc. in addition to their website find a tool like ShipStation even more valuable.  If you read the articles below, we have your back on overselling on these channels with our “Allocation” feature:

Just thought I’d ask.  Let me know what you think.  Thanks.