Tri-Technical Systems has the ability to integrate with, as they call it, "non Active-e websites." They do this by providing 3rd party services like Modern Retail with data feeds, one for product and one for orders.
- Active-e 3rd Party Item Feed (CSV)
- Active-e 3rd Party Orders (XML)
The Item Feed is a CSV file, whereas Orders must be received as XML. Tri-Technical Systems has the ability to send the CSV product file via FTP and receive the Orders file from the same FTP site. Modern Retail's Tri-Technical Systems Integrator uses FTP to automatically synchronize products and orders with your website. Currently, Modern Retail can get Tri-Technical Systems integrated with Bigcommerce, Magento, Shopify and WooCommerce.
For those of you more technically inclined, below is the complete specification of both files and some additional information we received from Tri-Technical Systems.
Active-e 3rd Party Item Feed
The active-e 3 Party Item Feed is designed to send item information to other sales channels such as one of the many feed management companies or a non active-e website.
You must be subscribed to active-e e-commerce and have an active-e website to use this functionality. This will only provide you with a mechanism to create an item feed. You will not have C2B capability with the non active-e website.
The file that is created is a comma delimited CSV file. The file will be saved in your temp folder that is setup on tab 5 of your work station record.
The first line of the file is a header for each column. The column names should be self-explanatory.
The program is designed to export all SA or Title records that have a Web Category or an eBay record assigned to it.
Be aware that it is possible that Tri-Technical Systems may alter the feed in future AIM updates. If a new field is added to the feed, we will always add it to the end (right side) of the file.
The program can be run under menu option Modules>XML/EDI Services/active-e 3 Party Item Feed.
The program can optionally transmit the file to an FTP site, web service, http(s) post etc. by executing a custom transmitting hook. This custom hook can be developed by Tri-Technical Systems. If you are interested in Tri-Technical Systems developing a custom hook, you can post an account passport case with your specifications; user name, password etc. and Tri-Technical Systems will respond to you with a quote for custom development.
Here's a listing of all the columns included in the CSV file:
- Model
- Sku
- Desc
- Mfg
- Type
- Barcode
- Selcode
- Color
- Size
- Qty
- Qty_Available
- Cost
- Our_Price
- Retail
- Min_Price
- Price_A
- Price_B
- Price_C
- AE_Sale_Price
- Weight
- Ebay
- Web
- Web_Cat_1
- Web_Cat_2
- Web_Cat_3
- Web_Cat_4
- Image_Small
- Image_Medium
- Web_Desc
- Margin_Perc
- ebay_cat1
- ebay_cat2
- ebay_storecat1
- ebay_storecat2
- ebay_title
- ebay_subtitle
- ebay_desc
- ebay_template
- ebay_duration
- ebay_format
- ebay_length
- ebay_width
- ebay_depth
- ebay_wtmajor
- ebay_wtminor
- ebay_qty
- ebay_start
- ebay_reserve
- ebay_buyitnow
- ebay_paypreset
- ebay_shippreset
- ebay_shipdest
- ebay_image1
- ebay_image2
- ebay_image3
- ebay_image4
- ebay_image5
- ebay_image6
- ebay_image7
- ebay_image8
- ebay_image9
- ebay_image10
- ebay_image11
- ebay_image12
- ebay_image13
- ebay_image14
- ebay_image15
- ebay_image16
- ebay_image17
- ebay_image18
- ebay_image19
- ebay_image20
- ebay_image21
- ebay_image22
- ebay_image23
- ebay_image24
- ProductCode
- Published
- Dimension
- Restricted_Qtys
- Related_Products
- Upsell_Products
- Requires_Products
- Image_Large
- Audio_URL
Active-e 3rd Party Orders
The active-e 3 Party Orders functionality is designed for those stores that have an existing shopping cart and plan to migrate to an active-e website. This will give you the ability to pull in orders from a non active-e website.
You must be subscribed to active-e e-commerce and have an active-e website to use this functionality. This will only provide you with a mechanism to import orders. You will not have C2B capability with the non active-e website.
The orders from your website need to be exported into an XML file that matches the sample 3PartyOrder.xml file that is included in this zip. The format of the XML document allows you to import multiple orders from one document. The AIM/active-e support staff will not be able to assist you in getting your orders into this format. You may need help from your shopping cart developer or an outside developer to provide you with the tools to get your orders into this format.
On tab 4 of the active-e setup screen, you can enter the default path and file name of your XML order document.
Most of the elements in the XML document are self explanatory. The ones listed below are expecting specific values:
<CartItems><CartItem><Price> This should be the total price of the line item. Price each multiplied by the quantity.
<PaymentMethod> This is used to update the Payment drop down on the top of the order screen. You can use whatever payment methods you want, however they should be setup in menu option Maintenance/Order Maintenance/Order Payments. If you received payment from Google, Paypal or Echeck you should use the values of GOOGLE, PAYPAL or ECHECK. Using one of these three values will cause the system to create an order deposit and post the payment to the appropriate payment method setup in option Maintenance/XML EDI Services Maintenance/active-e Payment Methods.
<CardType> This is the type of credit card used. The import orders process will look up this value in the table setup in menu option Maintenance/XML EDI Services Maintenance/active-e Payment Methods. Valid values are MCARD, DSCVR, VISA, AMEX. This is used to determine which AIM payment method to hit for the deposit record. <CardType> is ignored if <PaymentMethod> is GOOGLE, PAYPAL or ECHECK
<ShippingMethod> This is used to update the Shipping drop down on the top of the order screen. You can use whatever shipping methods you want, however they should be setup in menu option Maintenance/Order Maintenance/Shipping Codes
<TransactionState> If the transaction was already paid on your website the value needs to be CAPTURED. The order process will automatically create a deposit record for you. Leave the value blank if the payment is going to be collected through AIM or by another means.
Click the 3Party button on the active-e Import E-Commerce Orders screen to import your orders. It follows the same process as the orders from an active-e website.
Order XML Example
<Address1>3162 Cedar Crest Ridge</Address1>
<Address2 />
<Country>United States</Country>
<Address1>3162 Cedar Crest Ridge</Address1>
<Address2 />
<Country>United States</Country>
<ShippingMethod>FedEx Home Delivery</ShippingMethod>
<OrderNotes />
<Desc>Candle In The Wind</Desc>
<Desc>Roche Thomas RT14 Valve Oil</Desc>
<Address1>3162 Cedar Crest Ridge</Address1>
<Address2 />
<Country>United States</Country>
<Address1>3162 Cedar Crest Ridge</Address1>
<Address2 />
<Country>United States</Country>
<ShippingMethod>FedEx Home Delivery</ShippingMethod>
<OrderNotes />
<Desc>Candle In The Wind</Desc>
<Desc>Roche Thomas RT14 Valve Oil</Desc>