I'm using Epicor ERP and would like to get it integrated with Pepperi. I see you have experience with Epicor and was hoping you could get us integrated with Pepperi.
Pepperi looks very interesting. Back in the day, I would call it "sales force automation." I can see why this would be a good fit with Epicor ERP, or really any ERP system, because it allows you to easily collect orders while on the road and feed them back into Epicor.
I took a look at the Pepperi website but could not find an application programming interface (API). If Pepperi has an API, it shouldn't be too hard to get an integration going with it.
May I make a suggestion? Could you please e-mail your representative at Pepperi and let them know you’re interested in getting Epicor ERP integrated with Pepperi? If you copy me on the message, I’ll immediately reply asking to set up a meeting with Pepperi. I'm sure if we can get our developers to talk to their developers, we'll be able to figure out the integration.
Please let me know if you need anything else or would like to jump on a call before getting with Pepperi. Thank you.