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Springboard Retail WooCommerce Integration


I am inquiring about your product “WooCommerce Integrator” as this looks to be an outstanding plugin that would fit my client's needs perfectly. I would like to know if it can be integrated with my client's POS; they are using Springboard Retail as their POS.  Thank you in advance! 


I really appreciate your comments about our WooCommerce Integrator.  We’ve worked long and hard on it to provide a robust and easy to use integration for WooCommerce.

Yeah, we know the guys over at Springboard Retail pretty well (Allen and Jay) and would love to get an integration going with them.  I know they have an API, and it wouldn’t be too difficult to get their API talking with our Middleware/API so we can get this integration done for you.

May I make a suggestion?  Could you please ask your client to e-mail their representative at Springboard Retail and let them know they’re interested in getting it integrated with WooCommerce?  Please ask them to copy both of us on the message, and I’ll immediately reply asking to set up a meeting with all of us.  Getting our developers to talk with their developers, even for 30 minutes, makes a huge difference and can really help to “jump start” the integration efforts.

Please let me know if you need anything else or would like to jump on a call before getting with Springboard Retail.  Thank you.