Help & Resource Center

Product Alert Management

Alerts are text banners that can be added to a product to draw attention to the product or provide information.

You can add and define the look of your alerts by going to Products > Set up > Product Alerts in Store Manager.

On this page, you can add the text that you want to be displayed, and you can define placement and shape of the alert by choosing from the drop-down.


The next step is to define the color of the background and the text of the Alert.


Once you have the banner looking the way you like it, you just need to make sure the "active" box is checked and then hit Save.

Special Alerts

Any alert you create has the option to hide the Price and remove the "Add to Bag" button for any products that are assigned the specific alert.

You may want to do this for products that you can advertise but not sell online - or if you can not show a price and want the customer to call for information.

This is achieved by checking off the appropriate box or boxes and saving.