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Epicor BisTrack Integration Questions


I have a few questions regarding getting Epicor BisTrack integrated with my WooCommerce website.

  1. The ability to have orders get routed directly to BisTrack so that we don’t have to re-enter the orders.  Are there any options around having the credit card be driven through the system as if the customer were here on site (but I assume that’s a tall order)? As it is now, we would use a gateway from our bank and First Data.
  2. Having the system send the Thank You for Your Order with a BisTrack order # and invoice to the customer if that is possible.
  3. Linking products to the site from BisTrack.
  4. Showing inventory levels on certain items that could display something like "item back order – will ship in 3 days."
  5. As you know, I have a WooCommerce website today; however, I'm thinking about creating a Shopify website for a specific line of my business.  Can I use Epicor BisTrack with both my WooCommerce and Shopify websites at the same time?
  6. My products have a lot of variants. Is that going to be a problem.  For example, you can see this products has different options for Size, Color and Height.

Please let me know.  Thank you.



Regarding your questions:

  1. Yes, we will send "completed" (Shipped) orders from WooCommerce down to BisTrack.  This means all credit card processing would be done in WooCommerce (BisTrack will not have a copy of the credit card number).  Correct, you could use something like Authorize.Net to connect First Data to WooCommerce (I would recommend your developer use "tokenization" so you’re not actually storing the credit card numbers in WooCommerce).
  2. Order information flows from WooCommerce to Epicor, which means the Order Number will come from WooCommerce.  If you take a look at the diagram below, you’ll notice the arrows for Orders/Customers flow from WooCommerce to Epicor (not the other way around).
  3. Yes, definitely.  However, once the products get into WooCommerce, you can merchandise the products how you see fit.  Remember, Epicor is the "master" when it comes to Inventory and Pricing, and WooCommerce is the "slave" (changing the price or inventory in Bistrack will automatically change it in WooCommerce).
  4. This is a task for your WooCommerce developer (the data will be there and they can do with it what they like).
  5. Yes, believe it or not, we can do this with our Integration Middleware!
  6. Regarding the number of variants, this will depend on the integration and the capabilities of BisTrack (our Middleware/API supports it, but BisTrack will need to write to it).  FYI, Shopify only supports 3 variants today.

Please let me know if you need anything else.