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Tri-Technical Systems WooCommerce Integration


Our current website is custom-built on Wordpress, but our online storefront is a separate highly-outdated aspDotNetStorefront site that's integrated with our Tri-Technical Systems POS/inventory software (AIM). I've got high hopes for your WooCommerce integration solution, as we can plug WooCommerce directly into WordPress and house our online store within our mobile-friendly, modern website, though I have some concerns with real-time inventory management & sales reconciliation.



I know you have some concerns about the integration and I’d like to hear them.  The only deficiency with integration I’m aware of is with Returns.  If you get a Return in WooCommerce it will not send the Return down to Tri-Tech.  Instead, you’ll need to process the Return in both WooCommerce and Tri-Tech.  This is NOT the case with Orders.  As you get online orders and ship them in WooCommerce, the order/customer information will go down to Tri-Tech.

Regarding the "real-time synchronization", you’re right it is a batch process so there will always be some delay when updating WooCommerce.  However, we have clients doing millions of dollars per year online and rarely have someone buy something online that’s no longer available in the store.  Yes, it comes in every call I have about this type of integration but in practice it rarely happens.  One thing we’ve done to minimize this possibility is something we called "Allocation", which you can read about here:

Please let  know if you have any questions by submitting a support request.