Modern Retail's Integrator uses the standard e-commerce features and fields built into Counterpoint. Once the Counterpoint Ecommerce Tab has been set up, it is easy to mark items that you want to sell on the website. This article explains how to setup the Ecommerce Tab in Counterpoint and how to mark items to be sold online.
To see if your Counterpoint system is set up for e-commerce, simply open the Inventory Items window and look for the tab that says Ecommerce.
If you don't find this tab, then you can configure it by:
- Opening the Setup < Ecommerce < Control Window
- Select the CounterPoint Store
- Next Published File (Enter 1)
- Next Customer #
- Template Customer and Store and Drawer for Ecommerce.
Once you perform the above steps, the Ecommerce Tab should appear in the Item window.
Website Inventory
Once the above setup has been completed, you can decide which items you'd like to send to your website on a product per product basis. Simply go to the Inventory Items window, select the Ecommerce tab and check the Ecommerce item checkbox. That's it!
If you uncheck this box, the product will become "orphaned"; the integrator will stop looking for it, and it won't be updated on your site. In plainer terms, don't uncheck this box.
Sending Inventory
The Counterpoint Integrator will send all products to your website that meet the following two requirements:
- The Ecommerce item checkbox must be checked for the item.
- The Ecommerce item must have an Inventory Record that matches the Inventory Location ID entered in the CP8 DataSource Setup.
Both of these criteria must be met in order for products to be sent from Counterpoint to your website.