Help & Resource Center

Order Editor Permissions


The Order Editor extension is a powerful too that can help you manage orders and order fulfillment in Magento.  However, some of the functionalities require a User to have the proper permissions.  These functionalities include:

  • Changing an order's status.
  • Editing Customer or Billing Information.
  • Editing a shipping method.

To enable these features, follow the steps below.

  • Log into Magento > System > Configuration.

  • Navigate to the Order Editor in the left menu.

  • Expand the Add-Editing Permissions on Login Level section.
  • Set the Enable Permissions drop down to Yes.
  • Click Add permission to sub domain.

  • Enter the User ID for the appropriate user.
  • Enter the Functionality you want to enable in the Edit Functionality field.  The various functionality terms are noted below.

  • When you're done, click Save Config at the top right of the screen.