I am starting a new brick and mortar toy store and hobby center located in central New Jersey in April and need assistance with creating an e-commerce website which integrates with Bindo POS. Please contact me if this is something you are able to help me with. Thanks!
Thank you for your interest in Modern Retail. We would love to learn more about Tinker Center and help you build an amazing website for your business. We’d also like to help you get Bindo POS integrated with your website; it’s sort of what we’re known for – we’ve done over 1,200 integrations with over a dozen POS/ERP systems.
I checked the Bindo POS website but didn’t find any information about their application programming interface (API). An API would allow Modern Retail to integrate Bindo with your website. We also have a variety of other ways of integrating systems together, but given Bindo runs on an iPad, I assume they have an API which would make an integration easy.
Could you please do me a favor and e-mail your representative at Bindo to let them know you’re interested in working with Modern Retail to get Bindo integrated with your website? If you copy me on the e-mail, I’ll reply and get in contact with Bindo on your behalf (keeping you included of course). I’ll arrange a meeting to get our engineers with their engineers to see how we can get this integration done for you.
If you’d like to have a call prior to sending this e-mail, please let me know and we’ll set something up for next week. Thanks and have a wonderful weekend!