Can you explain to me how your Lightspeed integration works with WooCommerce? Does data update in real time when an item is purchase online or in the store?
Here’s how the integration between Lightspeed POS and WooCommerce works. Modern Retail’s Integrator is a service that sits between Lightspeed and WooCommerce, allowing the two systems to “talk” to each other. This Integrator controls sending Products from Lightspeed to WooCommerce where it can be edited and merchandised by the store to be sold online. Shipments are done in Lightspeed where the consumer’s credit card is charged and shipping labels are created. All shipped and returned Orders are sent to the Lightspeed for the decrementing and incrementing of Inventory.
Modern Retail has developed an extension for WooCommerce for all our integrations. This application communicates with our Integrator to pass Products, Orders and Customer information back and forth between Lightspeed and WooCommerce. While the application is fun to look at, most retailers quickly forget it is there as it quietly works in the background.
Data is usually transferred between Lightspeed and WooCommerce every 30 or 60 minutes. While this is configurable, even the largest retailers rarely need to synchronize inventory faster than every 30 minutes.
Please let me know if you have any more questions. Thank you.