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HighJump WooCommerce Integration


I am the IT Director for a cabin manufacturer. We have made a decision to move to a warehouse management system (WMS) called HighJump and would like to use WooCommerce.  I am interested in finding a best-of-breed integrated solution set that uses a common database architecture to fulfill all POS, ERP and Accounting functions within the company.

For brick-and-mortar POS, we are looking for a solution where the POS online (WooCommerce) and the POS used in the stores are the same set of web pages as best as is possible. The reasoning for this is that our sales people are probably less technical than our customers; and so, having a single interface to deal with makes it simple for support by all members of the sales and customer service teams.

We want to control the management of inventory in the warehouse, including shipping and receiving in the distribution center and stores, using our HighJump WMS. Ideally, the HighJump WMS would be the owner of all inventory data and not WooCommerce. That is, checking and reserving of product availability would be against the HighJump WMS and not maintained separately in WooCommerce.

Purchasing, Product Development and other non-warehouse related inventory processes can be handled by an integrated web based application like Trade-Gecko. I have also considered Xero as a potential accounting application. You have many more options that can be explored.

I look forward to your response.

As a nature of the business, we do not have a high transaction volume at the stores. Several of the ERP/POS/etc. vendors have very expensive applications that are designed and priced for a business model that we do not fit. We number about 50 stores at this time but only have 2 to 4 PCs in each location for POS and CAD activities.

We already have a development team, so we don't need you to build the website but would appreciate you help with these integrations.  Thank you.


You are correct regarding your assumption on how the integration would work between HighJump and WooCommerce.  HighJump would be the "master" when it came to your inventory, and WooCommerce would be the "slave".  If you changed the inventory or pricing in HighJump, those changes would automatically flow over to the website and would be changed in WooCommerce. As you had online sales, those customer and order information would be sent down to HighJump.  

Our integrations are done using our Integrator software that talks to HighJump and an extension we’ve developed for WooCommerce.  This WooCommerce extension talks to our Integrator to get products from HighJump and send orders and customers back down.  People love our dashboard as it gives you a quick snapshot of the integration history right in WooCommerce.

I took a quick look at the HighJump website but couldn’t find any information about their application programming interface (API). Could you please do me a favor and email your rep at HighJump to see what sort of integration is possible with their software?

Please Contact Us if you’d like to schedule a call to discuss any remaining questions about the integration or to schedule a 3-way call with HighJump to see how we can get this integration accomplished for you. Thank you.

P.S. I hear you about the cost of these integrations, they have been very expensive. We have friends in the industry that still charge $10,000 to $20,000 for some of these POS to e-commerce integrations, and we think that's just too high. While we have a lot of expenses developing all these extensions and integrations, our hope is we can continue to drive-down the costs so they become more and more affordable. We've made a lot of progress toward this goal but still have much work to do.