Modern Retail is thinking of porting over our Store Locations feature to WooCommerce. This feature provides the following functionality, and we're wondering if others would find it useful for WooCommerce:
- Configure store name, address and phone number.
- Set the hours you are open for each store.
- Specify if the location should have in-store pickup.
- Specify if your staff is allowed to ship from that location.
- Contains a big HTML block where you can publish news for that store.
- Finally, consumers can contact each store by sending an e-mail.
Configuring Store Locations is pretty straightforward. You can add one or more locations for your business.
For each location you can configure the Store Name, Address and other parameters.
Configuring the stores creates a simple Store Locations page on your website where each store is listed along with their hours, map, directions and the ability to contact the store.
Please Contact Us if you're interested in this feature. If enough people are interested in it, we'd be happy to port it over to WooCommerce. Thank you.