I been using CAM Commerce for years, and while the POS system is working out for us, I do not like their e-commerce solution. Can you help me get CAM Commerce integrated with Shopify?
We have been working with CAM Commerce for years. In fact, it was one of our first point of sale integrations. They were on a really nice trajectory a few years ago and offered something called CAM Commerce DataIX. DataIX was CAM Commerce's API that allowed third parties such as Modern Retail to pass data back and forth with CAM. However, CAM Commerce was purchased and the new management decided to change directions, and to the best of my knowledge, dropped the DataIX initiative. Instead, they require you to use their e-commerce platform and no longer have an open integration with CAM Commerce.
However, all is not lost. Modern Retail can help you get CAM Commerce integrated with Shopify by using an "inventory report" from CAM. Simply create the report and upload it to our portal, and we'll chug through the data for you and update the product, inventory and pricing on Shopify for you.
We call this a "one-way integration" because as you can see we're updating the data on your website, but we're not sending any updates the other way. This means the inventory and pricing on your website will by in-sync with CAM Commerce, but we're not sending order and customer information back down to CAM. Therefore your online orders will need to be entered in CAM so your inventory stays up to date. I understand this is more work, but keeping your inventory up-to-date is really 90% of the problem and work!
If you're interest in this integration, please Contact Us or purchase it online, and we'll be happy to get it going for you. Thank you.