I noticed your WooCommerce Integrator on the WooThemes marketplace and was wondering if you had an integration with Cashier Live? I like Cashier Live, but it only has an integration with Bigcommerce. ;-(
I have found a developer who loves WooCommerce and wants to create an amazing website for me. However, if we can't get my Cashier Live point of sale system talking with WooCommerce, then it's all for not. I'm really hoping you can help me. Thank you.
We actually ran into the Cashier Live people earlier this year and heard they were working on a BigCommerce integration. I hear you about needing to have more options when it comes to integrations. Fortunately, one of Modern Retail's missions is to give POS companies, and their customers, more options when it comes to e-commerce. A "one-solution-fits-all" approach no longer works in this day and age because retailers want to mix and match the best solutions to meet their specific needs.
Please contact the folks at Cashier Live and let them know you're interested in working with Modern Retail to get your WooCommerce website integrated with their POS system. Then ask them to Contact Us, and we'll step in and work with them to see what can be done. Given they already have an integration with BigCommerce, I'm sure we can figure out a way to get this integration done for you.
FYI, you're going to love our WooCommerce integration. People are loving it because we basically set it up for you, and then you can forget about it. What's funny is people love our WooCommerce Dashboard to see the status of their integration, even though they never need to touch it.
Go ahead and contact CashierLive, and we'll get this integration between it and WooCommerce going for you. Thank you.