Help & Resource Center

Canceling a processed Order


All orders have the ability to be cancelled or returned.  Orders are cancelled when they have been processed and are ready for shipment but not have left the store.  Cancelling an order will cancel the shipment with UPS and void the transaction with

Follow the steps below to cancel an order.


  1. Find the order in your Shipped order listing.



  1. Open the order by clicking on the order number.


  1. Click "CANCEL SHIPMENTS" at the top of the screen.


  1. Select what Shipment you'd like to cancel.  (Store Manager always assumes an order went out in multiple shipments.


  1. Click UPDATE so that the product/shipping/tax/coupon fields are updated with the amounts to be refunded.



  1. Click EXECUTE to process the Cancellation.


The next screen will show the item(s) status has changed to "Cancelled" as well as the credit amount in the Credit Card Transaction field.


  1.  Like shipping an order, the final step is to click "SAVE/SEND".  This will send your shopper an email notifying them you have cancelled their order.



Consider sending the shopper a note via the Email Shopper field thanking them for their business and advising them it may take a few days, depending on their financial institution for their credit to appear in their account.