Help & Resource Center

Update Sliders: Nivo


Updating your sliders on the homepage is easily done through WordPress.  The Nivo Slider has the nice addition of being able to add text as well as images.  Please follow these directions to update your text or slider on the homepage.


  1. Log in to WordPress > Appearance > Theme Options > Sliders.
  2. ADD/EDIT Text - Scroll to the Sliders settings to fill out the title and text that appear on the slider.  You can edit this text at any time.EXAMPLE:
  • Click on Add/Edit Slide.
  • Upload the Image from either your Computer or Media Library (be sure you have cropped the slider to the correct dimensions before uploading 600px wide × 260px tall).
  • Slide Link - URL - paste the URL in the box where you'd like visitors to be directed to if they clicked on the slide.
  • If necessary you can can drag & drop your slides in a different order.
  • Save Changes.

* Note: Remember to ALWAYS go to your live site to check your work.