Replete WordPress theme is easy to work with and offers great style. This article will provide dimensions needed for images that will be used throughout the site. Below is a link to the theme in case you want to view layouts and type of imagery.
Site Imagery
Lifestyle images are an important aspect of your site; they help create the look and feel you want to create online. Be thoughtful as you pick your imagery; it's how you merchandise your online store. Below are different image you may use throughout your site.
Note: The following dimensions are based on what works best with the theme's layout. Occasionally the height of the images may be adjustable, but the width is not.
Homepage Slider Images
Slider Images are the first thing people see when visiting your site. Be sure to use images that capture your shoppers' attention while reinforcing your brand.
- Dimensions : 1,500px wide × 430px tall
Note: This theme comes with the option to add layered text and buttons.
Shopping Page Banners
Images on your shopping landing pages help reinforce the products within your departments as well as give you the opportunity to showcase a mix of your products.
You will want to create an image for each of your main shopping departments (i.e. Men, Women, Apparel, Accessories...)
- Image Dimensions : 770px wide × 220px tall
Modern Retail highly recommends blogging as it adds meaningful content to your site, keeps it fresh and offers SEO benefits!
Each blog will need a Featured Image. The height is just a suggestion as when it comes to the blog, the image you use will determine the height.
- Featured Image : 770px wide x 220px tall