Orders are returned when the Shopper returns an item. Follow the steps below to return an item.
- Find the order in your Shipped Orders List.
- Open the order by clicking on the order number.
- Select the Shipment the returned items are in. (Store Manager always assumes an order was shipped in multiple shipments.)
- Click Update.
- Select which items in your shipment are being returned by checking the box next to the item.
- Click Update. This will update the product amount to be refunded.
A few notes on amounts being refunded:
- Shipping is never refunded. If you want to refund someone's shipping charge, you must edit the Shipping field.
- Tax will be calculated for you if a refunded tax amount is due.
- Coupon values will be calculated if there was only ONE item in the original shipment. If it was a multi item shipment and there was a coupon used, Store Manager will NOT calculate a coupon amount to be refunded. We leave it to your discretion to apply the coupon value however fits your policies & practices.
- After reviewing the amounts to be refunded, click Execute to process the return.
On the next screen you'll see the refunded amounts updated.
- Just like when you process an order, the last step is to click "SAVE/SEND". Clicking "SAVE/SEND" will send your shopper an email notification that their return has been processed.
Consider sending the shopper a note via the Email Shopper field thanking them for their business and advising them it may take a few days, depending on their financial institution for their credit to appear in their account.