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Magento Now Supports PHP 5.4

Magento announced today that it now supports PHP version 5.4.  While not much has changed between PHP 5.3 and 5.4, 5.4 is slightly faster and more stable.

Nevertheless, this is a welcome improvement and we're glad to see Magento supporting PHP 5.4.


Date Created: 01/21/14


Official Release Notes

Magento Now Supports PHP 5.4
Posted: 21 Jan 2014 06:12 PM PST

Magento is continuing to advance its platform and make development more efficient by adding support for PHP 5.4. Moving to PHP 5.4 offers several advantages, including better performance, more efficient memory usage, and access to ongoing updates and security fixes.
To ensure that you can take advantage of these valuable updates faster, we’ve released patches for Magento Enterprise Edition and later releases and for Magento Community Edition and later releases. Support for PHP 5.4 will also be built in to future Magento product releases.

The Magento Enterprise Edition patches are posted in the Support Patches section of My Account and the Magento Community Edition patches are available on the Community Edition download page. More information on applying patches is available in the Magento Knowledge Base. If you are unable to upgrade to PHP 5.4, PHP suggests you upgrade to 5.3.28 as the latest version in the 5.3.x product line that includes security fixes.