Your blog is an important part of your site. There are many benefits to blogging such as increased SEO, ways to share products with customers and adding a personal touch to your site. Blogging is easy. Here's what you'll need to remember when creating posts.
Log into WordPress > Posts > Add New
Once you have a blank post, fill out the following areas:
- Title & Content
- Check off the appropriate categories (or add a new category if necessary)
- Add a Featured Image
- Fill out the SEO Title & Meta Description
Read More about SEO by Yoast: https://support.modernretail.com/hc/en-us/articles/201108177-SEO-by-Yoast-WordPress
Adding Images within a Post
When you add an image within a post, remember the following:
Fill out the Display Settings
- Alignment
- None : text will be above or below the image
- Left : Image is to the left and text to the right
- Right : Image is on the right and text on the left
- Center : Image is in the center of the line/page
- Link to : Pick one of the following drop-downs
- Custom URL - Link the image to a product, department...within your site
- None : If the image is only a lifestyle image, no link needed
- Size : Depending on the size of the original image, you'll have the following options
- Full Size
- Medium
- Thumbnail
If you have any questions or need more help managing WordPress, submit a support request and we'll be happy to help.