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AOL Customer's Email Blocked


If a customer forgets their password and requests an email be sent to them, they are not receiving the email with the password info.

A customer has forgotten the password on their account. However, when they ask for the password to be sent to them, they never get the email with their password information.  Could you please help out here?  Why is their email being blocked?


Modern Retail use a service called SendGrid to ensure email delivery so we rarely have problems with email delivery, you can read more about it here:

If you give me the specific email address I can track it down for you. Maybe it's a bad address or being blocked for some reason. Thank you.


We received the email from the store and did some digging and here's what we found.  Looks like the consumer marked an email you sent them on September 16, 2013 as SPAM.  This message didn't come from one of your Email Marketing Campaigns because that's a completely different account for us at SendGrid (we have separate accounts because we don't want email marketing campaigns to interfere with order confirmation emails).  It is unclear why a consumer would mark a transaction email as SPAM but that appears what happened here.

Because they marked your email as SPAM in AOL, SendGrid remembers their preference to not receive email from you and Drops all future correspondences from your website, which is what happened on March 8, 2014.

I have just cleared this user's email address from SendGrid's SPAM and sent her another email with her password.  Again, this message came back as being blocked.

Looks like this block is happening from AOL and you'll need to contact the consumer directly to get it removed.

I recommend you email her from your store's personal email account and explain the situation to her (I don't believe this message will be blocked given it is coming from your personal email account, which gets delivered differently from the email from your website - Rackspace instead of SendGrid).  She will need to log into her AOL email account and remove the block on the, where is your website address.


Date Created:  03/10/14