Help & Resource Center

Image & Folder Naming Conventions


Can you tell me where my images are stored on the server?  I would like to use them for other marketing activities and don't know where they are located.


Your website has an sub-domain where all your Product Catalog and Email Marketing images are stored.  Using this sub-domain, and the correct directory and image name, you can access to all your images using a standard web browser.

In the example below please replace:

  • with your store's website address
  • ABC00001.jpg with the ID given to you in Store Manager for your products.

Product Catalog Images

    • Displayed on the Product Page.
    • Displayed on the Shopping List Page.
    • Displayed in the "lightbox" on the Product Page.
  •, ABC00001B.jpg, ABC00001C.jpg, etc.
    • Alternate image displayed on the Product Page and in the "lightbox".
  •, ABC00001Bthumb.jpg, ABC00001Cthumb.jpg, etc.
    • Displayed on the Shopping List Page when a visitor hovers over the main image.  All alternate images are shown and then the sequence starts again with the main thumbnail image.
    • Coming Soon.

Lookbook Images

    • Main image displayed on the Lookbook Collection Page.
    • Thumbnail image displayed on the Lookbook Collection Page.
    • Main image displayed on the Lookbook Sets Page.
    • Thumbnail image displayed on the Lookbook Sets Page.

Email Marketing Images

    • Directory where images are stored for your marketing emails.  The names of the files are the same as those you've uploaded to Store Manager.

Shopping Images

    • Directory where the various shopping images are stored from your website.  These images typically appear at the top of landing, department and category pages.

Other Images

    • A 200 pixel image used by Store Manager but available for your use.
    • A 100 pixel image used by Store Manager but available for your use.
    • A very large image typically used by marketplaces such as Amazon or a high-res download option for your product catalog images.

 WordPress Images

    • Images you upload to WordPress are stored in our Content Delivery Network (CDN).  Modern Retail's CDN is powered by Rackspace and Akamai.

Modern Retail keeps a copy of you images around as long as you're a customer.  This allows you to see what a consumer has purchased well after the product goes out of stock and is no longer available.  In fact, we still have the very first images uploaded in Store Manager back in 1998!


Date Created:  07/20/12