Help & Resource Center

Store Locations


The Store Locations feature in Store Manager allows you to display store information such as your address, phone number, store hours and a Google Map on your website.  Additionally you can post store news and images!


To access Locations, log into Store Manager > Website > Locations.Locations.png


In the Store Address Block, you can note the following information:

  • Store Name
  • Hint: This is a great place to put a nickname for your store.
  • Address
  • Contact Email Address:  This will be a clickable link on the site that allows shoppers to send an email to the store via a contact form.
  • Phone Number
  • Shipping Options
  • Google Maps:  This feature automatically populates a Google Map with your store's address on the locations page on the site.  All a shopper will have to do is click the map and enter their info!


  • Store Hours:  This block makes it super easy to keep your business hours up to date on the site.



Store News

  • This field allows you to add additional store information, including store events; closings due to holidays or weather, etc.
  • You can also upload an image of the store in this field. Images should be no larger than 725 pixels wide by 425 pixels tall. If you’d like to have 2 images side by side, they should be 350 pixels wide by 425 pixels tall.
  • Note that images can be smaller than the recommended size.



Once you hit save, your information will automatically appear or update on the site. We’ve configured the basic information for you, please be sure to review and edit as needed.