Help & Resource Center

Access for Contractors & Consultants


We work with a lot of contractors, marketing firms and consultants who need access to Store Manager and the help system.  How do I give these people access so they can submit Support Requests and use your Help System?


You can give these people access to Store Manager like any other user at your store by going to Website > Users and then clicking on Add User at the top of the page.  Enter their name, email address and access level like any other user in your store.  Once they have access they will be able to submit Support Requests for you and access our Help System.



Note: Contractors, consultants and other people who do not have a Store Manager account will not be able to reply to the emails from the Support System.  For security reasons, email addresses that don't exists as users in your store will be blocked and undelivered.  This is for your protection to minimize the chance of an unwanted edit or change to your website.  People are trying to impersonate and infiltrate stores on a daily basis and this policy helps us mitigate the risk to you and your store.  PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU ADD EVERYONE AS A STORE MANAGER USER IF YOU'D LIKE THEM TO GET HELP FROM MODERN RETAIL.



Date Created: 06/20/13