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UPS Insurance & Declaring Rates


If UPS loses a shipment they give us $100 as a compensation which is excellent if the shoe's price range is anywhere from $99.99 down. Now if the shoe were to be a $200 then we only get back $100 and lose the shoe as well as the money we have to refund the customer. UPS said that in order to declare values for a shoe we would have to do that on the back end of our website. I may have used to wrong terminology when I wrote declare rates but I was actually referring to declare values.


You have the terminology correct. If you want to insure items over $100 you need to check the Insurance checkbox on the order. You then need to enter the dollar value you'd like to insure the order for in the Amount field.


Please note there's a fee associated with Insurance. You can decide who pays this Insurance under your Shipping Preferences.



Date Created:  01/31/13